Sunday, August 14, 2011


My love has been put on pause
I can't seem to make it across
This deadly trap I own
I can't seem to escape it,
So it has become my own...
My own personal curse
It can make a change
For better or for worse
It defines everything you're worth
Like a defect in a pure birth

My love has been put on pause
I can't seem to make it across
This deadly trap I own
I can't seem to escape it,
So it has become my own...
My personal death wish
Deadly, like a vampire's kiss
I strive for the soul,
But I miss
I shoot for the heart, and miss

My love has been put on pause
I can't seem to make it across
This deadly trap I own
I can't seem to escape it,
So it has become my own
I am a prisoner of this deadly trap
It's constantly holding me back
Every time I try to rise
Eevry time I try to fly
My strength sends a cry
Linked to a million lies

My love has been put on pause
I can't seem to make it across
This deadly trap I own
I can't seem to escape it,
So it has become my own
But I just want to be free
From this trap that's owning me
My heart can't take no more
It's weakened by the sores
Of manipulation, deceit, and lies
Painful cries

Oh, how my heart dries
Drained of the jusices
That's needed to keep it flowing
Sucked of the life
That's needed to keep it going
Robbed of it's freedom to BE
All out of water and oils,
So just let it bleed
Until the day comes when
It's able to breathe
Until the time comes when
It feels serenity
Until the moment it is
Deemed FREE

And...until that moment
Allows me to cross...
My love is put on pause

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